I found this article that I felt was written really well. I think it shows some light on what is truly needed right now. My translation is really bad but I hope you enjoy it. Please credit me when taking out.
Jay leaves the group in panic, comeback

Jaebum is not only a hot issue in the entertainment field but our community as well.
As quickly as Jaebum left, the views of the Korean people are changing.
Now, it is not only Jaebum's fans but all the people of Korea agree that he was the victim.
Whether he got kicked out or just left it may have been a good decision made to alleviate the bad situation. In reality though, the unexpected is happening.
But we have to take into consideration that when this decision of Jaebum leaving was made Jaebum and JYP were in panic mode. We understand that this was ultimately the only decision they could come with at this time when the majority of Korea was still against Jaebum.
It is difficult for anyone to make a good decision when they are in panic. After Jay announced that he would be leaving the citizens wrote "this is not it" and showed their sympathy as well as their anger as they pounded on their keyboards while receiving this unexpected news.
On the 10th JYP released his official statement. JYP who knows Jaebum on closer levels begged for people to forgive his mistakes and also said, "I think it is important for Jaebum to take this time to reflect and look back on himself. So I wish that all of you would respect his decisions."
Jaebum indeed needs to reflect on himself. We also need to repsect his decision and allow him to reflect. But if that decision was made in panic mode? Also no one believes that Jaebum leaving the group was soley based only on his decision. That is why the label JYP is holding their heads up in responsibility (?) 소속사 JYP의 책임론이 고개를 드는 이유다. not sure what that means
We also need to focus on Jaebum's friend, Yoon's words "I hope that you guys will respect Jaebum and JYP's decision. Let him rest well while he is in America. If the situation allows for him to return send your support then. Jaebum needs time. Others need time as well."
After the departure time has passed. To say that it is enough time is too early. To the netizens who pushed Jaebum out so far away, and to Jaebum and JYP who pulled out the Jaebum departure card in panic mode, will need time to make things better.
What is needed with the 'cooling' time is a sincere apology. Even if the excuse is made that the harsh words said were out of misinterpretation of Jaebum's comments, a mistake is a mistake. We must give a sincere apology and ask for forgiveness to this person.
And come back. To the fans who loved this guy named Jaebum, to 2PM who is a part of you, to those who loved the energy of the 'beastly idols.'

Whether it was being kicked out or just leaving people will agree that it was a departure made in panic mode. Now you must break free from the panic and sincerely find what it is that your fans and the people of Korea want.
The answer is for the boy who asked for forgiveness for his mistake to be warmly embraced by 2PM and JYP. Also to comeback with new music and faithfully do your activities. There will still be people who will not be forgiving about your mistakes but were we not people that have a lot of affection as well?
We have studied a lot through Jaebum's incident. We hope that through our learning that Jay will accept our apology and that he will return.
Source; Joy News 24 >> http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=L...;aid=0000159661
Translated by: SUPERSTAR @ 2ONEDAY.COM
Caps: http://i30.tinypic.com/2z6y0kz.jpg, http://i31.tinypic.com/rgwffn.jpg, http://i26.tinypic.com/2qibxqg.jpg
Jay leaves the group in panic, comeback

Jaebum is not only a hot issue in the entertainment field but our community as well.
As quickly as Jaebum left, the views of the Korean people are changing.
Now, it is not only Jaebum's fans but all the people of Korea agree that he was the victim.
Whether he got kicked out or just left it may have been a good decision made to alleviate the bad situation. In reality though, the unexpected is happening.
But we have to take into consideration that when this decision of Jaebum leaving was made Jaebum and JYP were in panic mode. We understand that this was ultimately the only decision they could come with at this time when the majority of Korea was still against Jaebum.
It is difficult for anyone to make a good decision when they are in panic. After Jay announced that he would be leaving the citizens wrote "this is not it" and showed their sympathy as well as their anger as they pounded on their keyboards while receiving this unexpected news.
On the 10th JYP released his official statement. JYP who knows Jaebum on closer levels begged for people to forgive his mistakes and also said, "I think it is important for Jaebum to take this time to reflect and look back on himself. So I wish that all of you would respect his decisions."
Jaebum indeed needs to reflect on himself. We also need to repsect his decision and allow him to reflect. But if that decision was made in panic mode? Also no one believes that Jaebum leaving the group was soley based only on his decision. That is why the label JYP is holding their heads up in responsibility (?) 소속사 JYP의 책임론이 고개를 드는 이유다. not sure what that means
We also need to focus on Jaebum's friend, Yoon's words "I hope that you guys will respect Jaebum and JYP's decision. Let him rest well while he is in America. If the situation allows for him to return send your support then. Jaebum needs time. Others need time as well."
After the departure time has passed. To say that it is enough time is too early. To the netizens who pushed Jaebum out so far away, and to Jaebum and JYP who pulled out the Jaebum departure card in panic mode, will need time to make things better.
What is needed with the 'cooling' time is a sincere apology. Even if the excuse is made that the harsh words said were out of misinterpretation of Jaebum's comments, a mistake is a mistake. We must give a sincere apology and ask for forgiveness to this person.
And come back. To the fans who loved this guy named Jaebum, to 2PM who is a part of you, to those who loved the energy of the 'beastly idols.'

Whether it was being kicked out or just leaving people will agree that it was a departure made in panic mode. Now you must break free from the panic and sincerely find what it is that your fans and the people of Korea want.
The answer is for the boy who asked for forgiveness for his mistake to be warmly embraced by 2PM and JYP. Also to comeback with new music and faithfully do your activities. There will still be people who will not be forgiving about your mistakes but were we not people that have a lot of affection as well?
We have studied a lot through Jaebum's incident. We hope that through our learning that Jay will accept our apology and that he will return.
Source; Joy News 24 >> http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=L...;aid=0000159661
Translated by: SUPERSTAR @ 2ONEDAY.COM
Caps: http://i30.tinypic.com/2z6y0kz.jpg, http://i31.tinypic.com/rgwffn.jpg, http://i26.tinypic.com/2qibxqg.jpg
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