Jung Eun Bi (JYP staff)
Today is.. busy
getting busier
day by day..
I miss those days,,
We promised to see
each other again in Thailand,,
Kim Jin Kyung -- Writer of "Hot Blood"
Today is.. Fighting!
Don't choke by
overeating those rice cakes
and bring back the kid
that must be suffocating right now.
Kim Sung Hee -- JYP staff
I will not become weak..
I will not be swayed..
I will just wait for you
right here..
Kim Tae Eun -- PD for Wild Bunny
Jung Eun Jung -- The youngest writer for Wild Bunny (the girl that interviewed 2pm all the time in Wild Bunny, the one with the bowl haircut)
"This is Daegu, who misses Jaebum's interview... *sits on the ground*;;;;"
Jung Eun Jung's Cyworld
He was the kid that greeted the staff with style (? she wrote with chicness) on his bed in the dormitory,
He was the kid that laughed a lot even behind cameras
He was the kid that was always honest,
He had an honesty that was innocent,
He was the kid that took pride in the letter that his mom wrote to Chansung on the mango package,
He was the kid that fed the staff Taec Yeon's mangoes secretly at 63 building,
He was the kid that would joke around and ask me 'Nuna how old are you really? show me your ID!'
He was the kid that always said 'Goodbye! Thankyou',
Jaebum was that kind of kid
At least the Jaebum I knew was that kind of kid
Today is.. busy
getting busier
day by day..
I miss those days,,
We promised to see
each other again in Thailand,,
Kim Jin Kyung -- Writer of "Hot Blood"
Today is.. Fighting!
Don't choke by
overeating those rice cakes
and bring back the kid
that must be suffocating right now.
Kim Sung Hee -- JYP staff
I will not become weak..
I will not be swayed..
I will just wait for you
right here..
Kim Tae Eun -- PD for Wild Bunny
Jung Eun Jung -- The youngest writer for Wild Bunny (the girl that interviewed 2pm all the time in Wild Bunny, the one with the bowl haircut)
"This is Daegu, who misses Jaebum's interview... *sits on the ground*;;;;"
Jung Eun Jung's Cyworld
He was the kid that greeted the staff with style (? she wrote with chicness) on his bed in the dormitory,
He was the kid that laughed a lot even behind cameras
He was the kid that was always honest,
He had an honesty that was innocent,
He was the kid that took pride in the letter that his mom wrote to Chansung on the mango package,
He was the kid that fed the staff Taec Yeon's mangoes secretly at 63 building,
He was the kid that would joke around and ask me 'Nuna how old are you really? show me your ID!'
He was the kid that always said 'Goodbye! Thankyou',
Jaebum was that kind of kid
At least the Jaebum I knew was that kind of kid
CR: all captures/translation by saradah; cyworld, Thanks Saradah for the permission to take out
Awww I miss him too.. T.T
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