Hello, everyone.
I'm sorry to tell that I'll be deleting this blog for sure cause I don't think I manage to take on this blog. I would like to give it to other but I need the email address but if you do know how to change it email me and tell me (dancebabydiva.19@gmail.com).
I will change this to Jaebeom blog and will try to update things about him and AOM (Art Of Movement).
I'll be closing down this blog on 30th April 2010. I'll lead you the way to Jaebeom blog after that. Stay tune to it.
I'm so sorry that I can't keep my promise that I will continue to post update of 2PM/6PM cause I can't stand it when I saw them I'll remember of the stuff that I dont want to. I'm sorry.
Q: What does '2PM Hottest Blood' mean?
A:#Maybe, I can't describe it like this#
|=|2PM are JaeBeom, JunSu, NichKhun, TaecYeon, Wooyoung, JunHo and ChanSung.
|=| Hottest is what they call us fans.
|=| Blood is mean they are a part of us just like our blood in our body.
#The hold sentence mean '2PM are our Hottest Blood'#
#Officially made on July 30, 2009#
Hello, I'm Summer from Malaysia the owner of "2PM HOTTEST BLOOD". I was born on 19 FEB 1991 (Count how old I am *^-^*). I'm still a student in multimedia design (not officially is but going).
What makes me made this blog about 2PM? I made this blog cause I want to share more news about 2PM to more Malaysian so that 2PM will be famous in Malaysia like DBSK does (DBSK and 2PM are difference type okay. Don't ever compare).
For what I wish is that I hope 2PM will came across
this blog. I do have a SHOTBOX on the right side of the blog.

Monday, March 22, 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010
[NEWS] 100301 Underground's Official Statement with Jay's mother's letter to the fans
2 월 25일 JYPE가 재범군의 영구탈퇴를 공지한 후 기획사의 무책임하고 비인간적인 처사에 맞대응하고자 했었습니다. 어떻게든 훼손된 재범군의 명예라도 되돌려주고 싶었습니다. 하지만 6개월동안 각종 루머와 상처로 힘든 시간을 보냈던 재범군과 재범군 가족분들이 더 이상 이슈가 되는 것을 원치 않고 이 또한 시간이 흐르면 상처가 아물지 않겠냐며 그 어떤 대응도 바라지 않으셨습니다. 재범군과 재범군 부모님의 결정인만큼, 저희도 그에 따르기로 했습니다. 억울하고 분하지만 재범군이 원하는대로 해주는 것이 재범군을 위하는 팬들의 마지막 배려이자 사랑이라고 생각합니다.
재범군의 어머님께서 팬분들게 드리는 전언입니다.
『모 든 팬분들께 감사하다고 전해 주시구요. 가끔씩 관심가지고 지켜보시라 말씀 드려 주세요. 온갖 루머에 충분히 절망할 수 있는 상황에서도 의젓한 모습 보여주는 재범이를 보고 저희는 절망보다는 희망을 가지게 되었어요. 모든 팬분들께 감사 드려요.
너무 너무 수고 많으셨어요.
저 희 마음 팬분들에게 꼭 전해 주시고 팬분들의 마음에 상처 하루빨리 치유될수 있도록 기도 할께요. 우리 재범이 믿어 주시고 사랑해 주셔서 감사해요. 재범이에게는 결코 좋지 않은 결말 이지만 이렇게 라도 이사건이 끝이 날 수 있어서 마음은 홀가분 하네요. 이 일을 끝으로 더 이상 우리재범이가 좋지않은 일로 이슈가 되지 않았으면 하는 바램입니다. 2pm 동생들도 많이 사랑해 주세요. 재범이 때문에 그 아이들도 가족들도 마음 고생 많았을꺼여요.』
저희는 이 전언을 읽고 아무리 거대한 기획사라도 재범군의 적수가 될 수 없다는 것을 느꼈습니다. 저들은 작은 꼬투리를 잡아 한 청년의 인생을 송두리째 흔드는데도 아파하기는 커녕 자신의 앞날을 생각하고 있는 모습을 보며 어디에 있든, 어떤 상황에 처하든 크게 될 것이라고 믿어 의심치 않습니다. 그 누구보다 큰 상처를 안고 살아가야할 아들 걱정에 앞서 팬들에게 감사의 인사를, 그리고 이제는 등을 돌렸지만 한때 재범군과 동고동락했던 멤버들까지 챙기시는 재범군의 부모님을 보며 왜 재범군이 그들을 제외한 모든 이들에게 좋은 평판을 들을 수 밖에 없었는지 알 수 있었습니다.
지난 6개월간 진실성을 찾기 힘든 대응으로 일관한 소속사 JYPE 및 그들의 대표로 나온 나머지 멤버들의 단 4시간 동안 이것이 진실이라고 외치던 발언들보다 데뷔 이후부터 지금까지 우리에게 한결같은 모습을 보여주었던 박재범 군의 진실성을 믿습니다. 그리고 저희가 그것을 보여줄 수 있는 방법은 지금까지 그래왔든 앞으로도 계속 인간 박재범을 응원하고 지지하는 것이라고 생각합니다.
언더그라운드는 지금까지 해왔던 것처럼 재범군을 위해 좋은 일 하면서 그의 양 날개가 되겠습니다. 재범군의 잃어버린 명예는 재범군이 앞으로도 꾸준히 우리에게 보여줄 진실된 모습으로 되찾을 수 있다고 생각합니다. JYPE 소속 2PM의 리드자 박재범의 지원군이 아닌 '인간 박재범'의 서포터즈가 되어 그가 행복한 길을 갈 수 있도록 지원하겠습니다. 부디 재범군과 재범군의 부모님이 마음의 짐을 덜고 다시 예전으로 돌아갈 수 있도록 우리가 재범군을 잊지 않고 그가 행복한 길을 걸을 수 있게 해주는 것이 처음부터 끝까지 실망감만을 안겨준 무책임한 JYPE에게 할 수 있는 최고의 항의이자 최선책일 것입니다.
지난해 9월부터 2월 27일까지 지난 6개월 간 비록 최고의 결과를 얻어내지 못했지만 우리들은 모두 각자의 자리에서 재범군을 위해 최선을 다해왔습니다. 간절히 원하던 것을 이루지 못한 것에 대한 상실감이 너무나 크다는 것 또한 저희도 통감하는 바 입니다. 그러나 지금 그 상실감을 분노로 맞바꿔 과격한 행동을 하는 것은 결국 재범군을 포함한 우리들 모두에게 돌아오는 것이고 최선을 다해 온 우리들의 행동에 스스로 먹칠을 하게 되는 것입니다. 끝까지 저희들과 재범군이 당당할 수 있게, 행동을 실천에 옮기시기 전 한 번쯤 다시 생각해 주셨으면 합니다.
끝 으로 여섯명의 2PM은 그토록 존경한다는 박진영PD와 부디 좋은 관계 유지하여 JYPE와 재계약을 하는 유일한 소속 연예인이 되기를 바라며 JYPE는 소속 가수를 쓰다가 버리는 상품이 아닌 한 인격체로 대우해주길 간곡히 부탁드립니다.
언더그라운드 Emily, HeyJ 올림
재범군의 어머님께서 팬분들게 드리는 전언입니다.
『모 든 팬분들께 감사하다고 전해 주시구요. 가끔씩 관심가지고 지켜보시라 말씀 드려 주세요. 온갖 루머에 충분히 절망할 수 있는 상황에서도 의젓한 모습 보여주는 재범이를 보고 저희는 절망보다는 희망을 가지게 되었어요. 모든 팬분들께 감사 드려요.
너무 너무 수고 많으셨어요.
저 희 마음 팬분들에게 꼭 전해 주시고 팬분들의 마음에 상처 하루빨리 치유될수 있도록 기도 할께요. 우리 재범이 믿어 주시고 사랑해 주셔서 감사해요. 재범이에게는 결코 좋지 않은 결말 이지만 이렇게 라도 이사건이 끝이 날 수 있어서 마음은 홀가분 하네요. 이 일을 끝으로 더 이상 우리재범이가 좋지않은 일로 이슈가 되지 않았으면 하는 바램입니다. 2pm 동생들도 많이 사랑해 주세요. 재범이 때문에 그 아이들도 가족들도 마음 고생 많았을꺼여요.』
저희는 이 전언을 읽고 아무리 거대한 기획사라도 재범군의 적수가 될 수 없다는 것을 느꼈습니다. 저들은 작은 꼬투리를 잡아 한 청년의 인생을 송두리째 흔드는데도 아파하기는 커녕 자신의 앞날을 생각하고 있는 모습을 보며 어디에 있든, 어떤 상황에 처하든 크게 될 것이라고 믿어 의심치 않습니다. 그 누구보다 큰 상처를 안고 살아가야할 아들 걱정에 앞서 팬들에게 감사의 인사를, 그리고 이제는 등을 돌렸지만 한때 재범군과 동고동락했던 멤버들까지 챙기시는 재범군의 부모님을 보며 왜 재범군이 그들을 제외한 모든 이들에게 좋은 평판을 들을 수 밖에 없었는지 알 수 있었습니다.
지난 6개월간 진실성을 찾기 힘든 대응으로 일관한 소속사 JYPE 및 그들의 대표로 나온 나머지 멤버들의 단 4시간 동안 이것이 진실이라고 외치던 발언들보다 데뷔 이후부터 지금까지 우리에게 한결같은 모습을 보여주었던 박재범 군의 진실성을 믿습니다. 그리고 저희가 그것을 보여줄 수 있는 방법은 지금까지 그래왔든 앞으로도 계속 인간 박재범을 응원하고 지지하는 것이라고 생각합니다.
언더그라운드는 지금까지 해왔던 것처럼 재범군을 위해 좋은 일 하면서 그의 양 날개가 되겠습니다. 재범군의 잃어버린 명예는 재범군이 앞으로도 꾸준히 우리에게 보여줄 진실된 모습으로 되찾을 수 있다고 생각합니다. JYPE 소속 2PM의 리드자 박재범의 지원군이 아닌 '인간 박재범'의 서포터즈가 되어 그가 행복한 길을 갈 수 있도록 지원하겠습니다. 부디 재범군과 재범군의 부모님이 마음의 짐을 덜고 다시 예전으로 돌아갈 수 있도록 우리가 재범군을 잊지 않고 그가 행복한 길을 걸을 수 있게 해주는 것이 처음부터 끝까지 실망감만을 안겨준 무책임한 JYPE에게 할 수 있는 최고의 항의이자 최선책일 것입니다.
지난해 9월부터 2월 27일까지 지난 6개월 간 비록 최고의 결과를 얻어내지 못했지만 우리들은 모두 각자의 자리에서 재범군을 위해 최선을 다해왔습니다. 간절히 원하던 것을 이루지 못한 것에 대한 상실감이 너무나 크다는 것 또한 저희도 통감하는 바 입니다. 그러나 지금 그 상실감을 분노로 맞바꿔 과격한 행동을 하는 것은 결국 재범군을 포함한 우리들 모두에게 돌아오는 것이고 최선을 다해 온 우리들의 행동에 스스로 먹칠을 하게 되는 것입니다. 끝까지 저희들과 재범군이 당당할 수 있게, 행동을 실천에 옮기시기 전 한 번쯤 다시 생각해 주셨으면 합니다.
끝 으로 여섯명의 2PM은 그토록 존경한다는 박진영PD와 부디 좋은 관계 유지하여 JYPE와 재계약을 하는 유일한 소속 연예인이 되기를 바라며 JYPE는 소속 가수를 쓰다가 버리는 상품이 아닌 한 인격체로 대우해주길 간곡히 부탁드립니다.
언더그라운드 Emily, HeyJ 올림
On the 25th of February, after JYPE announced that Jaebum was permanently out of the group, because of their irresponsible and inhumane actions, we were going to fight back. We wanted to fix Jaebum’s ruined reputation for him no matter what. However, because Jaebum and Jaebum’s family have spent these six months with many rumors and hurt, they no longer want this to become an issue anymore. They also believe that time will make the hurt go away and they do not want the fans to respond. Because this is what Jaebum and Jaebum’s family want, we also will follow suit. Even though we feel that this is unjust and we’re furious, because this is what Jaebum wants, we feel that this is the last thing that the fans can do to show their love and consideration for him.
This is the message from Jaebum’s mother to the fans.
This part has already been translated by bajaebum here.
After we read this message, we realized that no matter how big the company, they cannot compete with Jaebum. Even though those people found one small fault and thoroughly shook up his life, instead of being hurt, we can see that he is just looking ahead towards his future and so we believe that no matter where he is, no matter what happens, he will become great. Before worrying about the huge wound that hurt their son more than anyone, the hurt that their son will have to continue to live with, his parents first thanked the fans. When we see how Jaebum’s parents have taken pains to take care of the other members since they were together with Jaebum once upon a time, even though they turned their backs now, we can see why, besides these people, there has only been good words about Jaebum.
Instead of believing the words of the company JYPE and the rest of the members that came out as their representatives, the company that throughout the six months, we couldn’t find the “honesty” that they consistently responded with, with statements that what they were saying is true for four hours, we choose to believe in Jaebum’s honesty, as he is the one who has shown us his unchanging self ever since his debut. That is why we believe that the way to show him [that we believe in him] is like we have done until now, we need to continue to support and root for the person Park Jaebum.
Like we have done until now, Underground will continue to do good things for Jaebum and we will be his wings. We believe that Jaebum will be able to find his lost reputation through him continuing to show us his truthful self. Instead of supporting JYPE’s 2PM’s Leadja Park Jaebum, we will instead support "the person Park Jaebum” and we will support and hope that he will be happy wherever he goes. We hope that Jaebum and Jaebum’s parents can lay down this burden and go back to the way they were. We will never forget Jaebum and we will help him become happy. This is the best way to protest against JYPE, the company that from beginning to end only disappointed us.
From last September to February 27th, even though we were unable to get the results we wanted from these last six months, all of us from where we are currently, have done all we could for Jaebum. We are fully aware of the disappointment we all feel for being unable to get what we earnestly wished for. However, turning that sense of loss into anger and acting rashly will only come back to haunt Jaebum and all of us. We would be tearing down all of our own hard work through our own actions. We hope that you all will think twice before acting so that we and Jaebum can stand tall until the end.
We hope that the six members of 2PM will continue to have a good relationship with Park Jinyoung PD, the one that they admire so much and hope that they become the first entertainers to resign with JYPE. We earnestly hope that JYPE treats them as humans and not as a product that they are going to use and throw away.
From Underground Emily, HeyJ
This is the message from Jaebum’s mother to the fans.
This part has already been translated by bajaebum here.
After we read this message, we realized that no matter how big the company, they cannot compete with Jaebum. Even though those people found one small fault and thoroughly shook up his life, instead of being hurt, we can see that he is just looking ahead towards his future and so we believe that no matter where he is, no matter what happens, he will become great. Before worrying about the huge wound that hurt their son more than anyone, the hurt that their son will have to continue to live with, his parents first thanked the fans. When we see how Jaebum’s parents have taken pains to take care of the other members since they were together with Jaebum once upon a time, even though they turned their backs now, we can see why, besides these people, there has only been good words about Jaebum.
Instead of believing the words of the company JYPE and the rest of the members that came out as their representatives, the company that throughout the six months, we couldn’t find the “honesty” that they consistently responded with, with statements that what they were saying is true for four hours, we choose to believe in Jaebum’s honesty, as he is the one who has shown us his unchanging self ever since his debut. That is why we believe that the way to show him [that we believe in him] is like we have done until now, we need to continue to support and root for the person Park Jaebum.
Like we have done until now, Underground will continue to do good things for Jaebum and we will be his wings. We believe that Jaebum will be able to find his lost reputation through him continuing to show us his truthful self. Instead of supporting JYPE’s 2PM’s Leadja Park Jaebum, we will instead support "the person Park Jaebum” and we will support and hope that he will be happy wherever he goes. We hope that Jaebum and Jaebum’s parents can lay down this burden and go back to the way they were. We will never forget Jaebum and we will help him become happy. This is the best way to protest against JYPE, the company that from beginning to end only disappointed us.
From last September to February 27th, even though we were unable to get the results we wanted from these last six months, all of us from where we are currently, have done all we could for Jaebum. We are fully aware of the disappointment we all feel for being unable to get what we earnestly wished for. However, turning that sense of loss into anger and acting rashly will only come back to haunt Jaebum and all of us. We would be tearing down all of our own hard work through our own actions. We hope that you all will think twice before acting so that we and Jaebum can stand tall until the end.
We hope that the six members of 2PM will continue to have a good relationship with Park Jinyoung PD, the one that they admire so much and hope that they become the first entertainers to resign with JYPE. We earnestly hope that JYPE treats them as humans and not as a product that they are going to use and throw away.
From Underground Emily, HeyJ
May be taken out with full credits. You are not allowed add yourself to the credits nor edit the credits.
Underground is a respected website. This is a website that had been in contact with Jaebum's family previously. Nobody in Korea is questioning this post as being legitimate or not.
The reason why I separated it is because I wanted people to read it. I know that a lot of people have read his mother's message already so I separated them.
[INFO] 100229 Jaebum's mother posts on Underground
『모든 팬분들께 감사하다고 전해 주시구요. 가끔씩 관심가지고 지켜보시라 말씀 드려 주세요. 온갖 루머에 충분히 절망할 수 있는 상황에서도 의젓한 모습 보여주는 재범이를 보고 저희는 절망보다는 희망을 가지게 되었어요. 모든 팬분들께 감사 드려요.
너무 너무 수고 많으셨어요.
저희 마음 팬분들에게 꼭 전해 주시고 팬분들의 마음에 상처 하루빨리 치유될수 있도록 기도 할께요. 우리 재범이 믿어 주시고 사랑해 주셔서 감사해요. 재범이에게는 결코 좋지 않은 결말 이지만 이렇게 라도 이사건이 끝이 날 수 있어서 마음은 홀가분 하네요. 이 일을 끝으로 더 이상 우리재범이가 좋지않은 일로 이슈가 되지 않았으면 하는 바램입니다. 2pm 동생들도 많이 사랑해 주세요. 재범이 때문에 그 아이들도 가족들도 마음 고생 많았을꺼여요.』
너무 너무 수고 많으셨어요.
저희 마음 팬분들에게 꼭 전해 주시고 팬분들의 마음에 상처 하루빨리 치유될수 있도록 기도 할께요. 우리 재범이 믿어 주시고 사랑해 주셔서 감사해요. 재범이에게는 결코 좋지 않은 결말 이지만 이렇게 라도 이사건이 끝이 날 수 있어서 마음은 홀가분 하네요. 이 일을 끝으로 더 이상 우리재범이가 좋지않은 일로 이슈가 되지 않았으면 하는 바램입니다. 2pm 동생들도 많이 사랑해 주세요. 재범이 때문에 그 아이들도 가족들도 마음 고생 많았을꺼여요.』
Please tell all fans 'thank you'. Please tell them to often check up on him and keep interest in him.
Through out all these rumors Jaebum could have been despaired but seeing him strong gave me more hope than despaire.
Thank you to all the fans.
You have worked very, very hard.
Please forward our heart to the fans and I will pray for the wound in the fan's heart to be healed quickly. Thank you for trusting and loving our Jaebum. This is not a good ending for Jaebum but my heart is lighter now that this issue has ended. I wish that after this entry, Jaebum will not become a bad issye. Please love the 2PM dongsaegs too. They and their familiies will have had a hard time because of Jaebum.
Through out all these rumors Jaebum could have been despaired but seeing him strong gave me more hope than despaire.
Thank you to all the fans.
You have worked very, very hard.
Please forward our heart to the fans and I will pray for the wound in the fan's heart to be healed quickly. Thank you for trusting and loving our Jaebum. This is not a good ending for Jaebum but my heart is lighter now that this issue has ended. I wish that after this entry, Jaebum will not become a bad issye. Please love the 2PM dongsaegs too. They and their familiies will have had a hard time because of Jaebum.
May be taken out with full credits. You are not allowed add yourself to the credits nor edit the credits.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Don't Care
I think before this I have promise that I will change the layout and is ongoing.
I don't want to update about the Fans Press Conference on 27 Feb 2010. If you guys want to know more just log in to 'www.2oneday.com' to read the article.
For those who already know what is happening and want to turn into anti, I'm sorry to say that you have to leave this blog of mine.
I personal have choose not to care what happen before this from Jay's leaving the group till his permanent withdraw. I will still support 2PM and Jay for no reason and will contineu this blog. If you think that I'm stupid for not hating 2PM and still support 2PM as 6 member, you can just say that I'm stupid but in my opinion I don't want to anti anyone. You will never get to hate a person till the end of the world.
As what I have say, 'ANTI' you are welcome to leave this blog, 'HOTTEST' you are still welcome here but I will still get more update about 2PM as 6 member.
Please support them as 6 member and look forward for they're album and support them.
I don't want to update about the Fans Press Conference on 27 Feb 2010. If you guys want to know more just log in to 'www.2oneday.com' to read the article.
For those who already know what is happening and want to turn into anti, I'm sorry to say that you have to leave this blog of mine.
I personal have choose not to care what happen before this from Jay's leaving the group till his permanent withdraw. I will still support 2PM and Jay for no reason and will contineu this blog. If you think that I'm stupid for not hating 2PM and still support 2PM as 6 member, you can just say that I'm stupid but in my opinion I don't want to anti anyone. You will never get to hate a person till the end of the world.
As what I have say, 'ANTI' you are welcome to leave this blog, 'HOTTEST' you are still welcome here but I will still get more update about 2PM as 6 member.
Please support them as 6 member and look forward for they're album and support them.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
From Summer @ Admin
Hello, everyone.
I know many of you guys say that this is the first fans base for MY Hottest (Malaysia Hottest). And since I'm the 1st one to open why didn't I update more after Park Jaebeom leaving.
The reason why is because things will never the same after Jaebeom leaving. Maybe some of you may ask. What if he will never come back and will you not update? I will wait for the official statement from JYPE and I will know what to do.
Okay, I maybe not been able to update more but I will change layout some times that I could. So for now stay tune for the new layout coming soon.
It will be more on Chinese New Year and Valentine feel cause Chinese New Year drop on the same day as Valentine day. So good luck guys. Keep praying for Jaebeom for his return.
Always love you guys.
I have just check the "Shoutout MIX" and I notice that some of the visitor did criticize other artist. Please don't do that. We Hottest are the best. Please don't criticize other buy saying "I hate them" or and other bad words. I hope you guys are clear with that.
I know many of you guys say that this is the first fans base for MY Hottest (Malaysia Hottest). And since I'm the 1st one to open why didn't I update more after Park Jaebeom leaving.
The reason why is because things will never the same after Jaebeom leaving. Maybe some of you may ask. What if he will never come back and will you not update? I will wait for the official statement from JYPE and I will know what to do.
Okay, I maybe not been able to update more but I will change layout some times that I could. So for now stay tune for the new layout coming soon.
It will be more on Chinese New Year and Valentine feel cause Chinese New Year drop on the same day as Valentine day. So good luck guys. Keep praying for Jaebeom for his return.
Always love you guys.
I have just check the "Shoutout MIX" and I notice that some of the visitor did criticize other artist. Please don't do that. We Hottest are the best. Please don't criticize other buy saying "I hate them" or and other bad words. I hope you guys are clear with that.
Friday, September 25, 2009
[TWITTER/WALLPAPER] Jaebeom Twitter wallpaper
I'm here with some Twitter Wallpaper with only Jaebeom. Sorry I didn't make others but I will I bet I will. Please stay tune on it okay?
He is it

I hope you guys like it. Remember to credit if you take out.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
[INFO] MYHOTTEST (I wrote a lyrics)
Hey MyHottest,
Trust the warmth inside
Can you feel the love we give
You must come back
Everthing warth when you come back again,
just back than
You can't leave us just
In 4 days and throw all your golds away
We really need you so please come back
We will never leave you alone
At 1st we hate you for leaving us
We know you feel ashme of yourself
but everything will be forget
and what you have gone we forgive you
but than
everything goes wrong when you leave us for good
We don't want this to happen but it happen now.
Please help us to end this and come back to us
So baby, trust the warmth inside
Can you feel the love we give
You must come back
Everthing warth when you come back again,
just back than
Please don't leave us again
4 years is not short like in 4 days
No matter what you are the best leader
We need you Park Jae Beom
We know that you will stay strong right?
No matter what happen till the end
Just like we support you
No matter what it will be, but than
We know that you are really sorry and
We did really forgive you and no longer hate
We will forget the pass 4 years
So baby, Trust the warmth inside
Can you feel the love we give
You must come back
Everthing warth when you come back again,
just back than
You can't leave us just
In 4 days and throw all your golds away
We really need you so please come back
We will never leave you alone
If you ever find yourself missing us again,
Like you never did
All you have to do is turn around and come back to us.
Don't you know We love you?
This is my 1st time writing lyrics and I'm not good at it. My english is not good. I wrote it all night to make a fresh up to everyone.
Thanks to aienbest's for the song and video with JeTi wonderful voice and I got this lyrics. Is not good but I have try to follow the song and I can say I did copy some of the words so don't say that I didn't tell it was copy right. haha^^
Here is the video and the lyrics. (Remember I'm not good at writing lyrics.)
Lyrics (Wrote by Me)
Song name: "Can you feel the love we give?"
Trust the warmth inside
Can you feel the love we give
You must come back
Everthing warth when you come back again,
just back than
You can't leave us just
In 4 days and throw all your golds away
We really need you so please come back
We will never leave you alone
At 1st we hate you for leaving us
We know you feel ashme of yourself
but everything will be forget
and what you have gone we forgive you
but than
everything goes wrong when you leave us for good
We don't want this to happen but it happen now.
Please help us to end this and come back to us
So baby, trust the warmth inside
Can you feel the love we give
You must come back
Everthing warth when you come back again,
just back than
Please don't leave us again
4 years is not short like in 4 days
No matter what you are the best leader
We need you Park Jae Beom
We know that you will stay strong right?
No matter what happen till the end
Just like we support you
No matter what it will be, but than
We know that you are really sorry and
We did really forgive you and no longer hate
We will forget the pass 4 years
So baby, Trust the warmth inside
Can you feel the love we give
You must come back
Everthing warth when you come back again,
just back than
You can't leave us just
In 4 days and throw all your golds away
We really need you so please come back
We will never leave you alone
If you ever find yourself missing us again,
Like you never did
All you have to do is turn around and come back to us.
Don't you know We love you?
So baby, Trust the warmth inside
Can you feel the love we give
You must come back
Everthing warth when you come back again,
just back than
You can't leave us just
In 4 days and throw all your golds away
We really need you so please come back
We will never leave you alone
So baby, trust the warmth inside
Can you feel the love we give
You must come back
Everthing warth when you come back again,
just back than
Please don't leave us again
4 years is not short like in 4 days
No matter what you are the best leader
We need you Park Jae Beom.
Can you feel the love we give
You must come back
Everthing warth when you come back again,
just back than
You can't leave us just
In 4 days and throw all your golds away
We really need you so please come back
We will never leave you alone
So baby, trust the warmth inside
Can you feel the love we give
You must come back
Everthing warth when you come back again,
just back than
Please don't leave us again
4 years is not short like in 4 days
No matter what you are the best leader
We need you Park Jae Beom.
(I don't relly know the original song sing by who and the title of the song in the video is "Like yesterday". You guys can comment a bit but don't be to hurt okay? THis is my 1st time writing a lyrics. I really just for Jaebeom. Is all in my heart that I wanted to tell him)
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